Thursday, June 2, 2016

End of year survey

Please take some time to thoughtfully reply to the end of the year survey.  This will provide feedback that should help me improve the course next year.  Thank you.

End of year survey

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Comprehensive Review (2018 19 Update)

During this time we will also be reviewing as many previous IB SL topics as possible to prepare for the final and for external testing students May exams.  The final exam internally will be on Thursday May 30 (multiple choice and short answer comprehensive). This is for all IB year two Chemistry students.  Please use your IB study guide as a primary source of review.  There are topic review questions at the end of each chapter.  And use the videos online for quick review as well.  I suggest these Thornley videos in particular, which are on common errors students have made on past IB exams. Another useful channel is MSJ YouTube

DUE DATES AND RESOURCES (click on a topic for chemstaab blog curriculum)
newest study guide
Atomic Structure    Multiple choice page 14 and short answer page 15.  Due Thursday 4/4
Stoichiometric Relationships / Quantitative Chemistry   Review Packet and Key.  Multiple choice page 7 and short answer page 8. Due Tuesday 4/9. 
Periodicity   Multiple choice page 23 and short answer page 24.  Due Thursday 4/11.
Chemical Bonding    Multiple choice page 36 and short answer page 37.  Due Monday 4/15.
Energetics/Thermochemistry   Multiple choice page 44-45 and short answer page 46.  Due Wednesday 4/17.
Chemical Kinetics   Multiple choice page 51-52 and short answer page 53.  Due Friday 4/19.
Equilibrium   Multiple choice page 57 and short answer page 58.  Due Tuesday 4/23.
Acids and Bases   Multiple choice page 68 and short answer page 69.  Due Thursday 4/25.
Redox Processes    Multiple choice page 77 and short answer page 78.  Due Monday 4/29.
Organic Chemistry     Multiple choice page 97 and short answer page 98.  Due Wednesday 5/1.
Measurement, Data Processing and Analysis   Multiple choice page 107-8 and short answer page 109.  Due Friday 5/3
SLIDE presentation Topic 11 Analytical Techniques

Option C Energy   Short answer page 153.  Due Wednesday 5/1.


Atoms and Staab
Organic Chemistry
Nomenclature rawk
Murals 2016
Slim the chemist

Monday, March 28, 2016

Option C: Energy (Updated for 2019)

This unit is on option C: Energy.  Topics include energy sources, fossil fuels, nuclear and solar energy and the environmental impacts of current energy consumption.  Students will present on an energy topic in groups.  This is the last major unit of IB SL chemistry.  The next unit will be a comprehensive review for internal and external IB final exam assessment.  Testing students will exam externally at the Fred Meyer conference center behind Powell park on May 22nd and 23rd this year.

IB Exam Announcement

Energy Presentation Assignment
Period 6 Presentation Due Dates
Period 7 Presentation Due Dates

Environmental Chemistry videos
air pollution bozeman science
Community Open House on SE Portland air quality at Cleveland High School
linking air pollution to human health psu
tracking pollution chemists celebrate earth day 
air pollution vice
air pollution ib presentation
acid rain
acid rain new syllabus Thornley
five human impacts on the environment Crashcourse
pollution Crashcourse
global carbon cycle Crashcourse

find your carbon footprint...

Green Chemistry Journal

Landmark case allowing future generations (that's you) to sue the United States to prevent fossil fuel extraction … 'because the government has known for decades that carbon dioxide (C02) pollution has been causing catastrophic climate change and has failed to take necessary action to curtail fossil fuel emissions...'

Escaping Fossil Fuels and Global Warming
top 10 energy sources of the future
Innovating to zero Bill Gates TED talk
The future of energy
The future of alternative energy
Thorium Periodic table of videos
Nuclear reactors in Japan Periodic table of videos
Permaculture wikipedia
Backyard Permaculture How to...

Introduction to Energy Sources Period 6
Introduction to Energy Sources Period 7
Fossil Fuels (1) Crude Oil and Fossil Fuels Period 6
Fossil Fuels (1) Crude Oil and Fossil Fuels Period 7
Fossil Fuels (2) Octane Ratings, gasification, liquification, advantages and disadvantages of fossil fuels Period 6
Fossil Fuels (2) Octane Ratings, gasification, liquifaction, advantages and disadvantages of fossil fuels Period 7
Nuclear (1) (Nuclear reactions, nuclear equations and half-life) Period 6
Nuclear (1) (Nuclear reactions, nuclear equations and half-life) Period 7
Nuclear (Power from nuclear fission, power from nuclear fusion, nuclear safety, absorption spectra of stars) Period 6
Nuclear (Power from nuclear fission, power from nuclear fusion, nuclear safety, absorption spectra of stars) Period 7
Solar (Photosynthesis, conversion of biomass into energy, transesterification Period 6
Solar (Photosynthesis, conversion of biomass into energy, transesterification Period 7
Environmental Impact -Global Warming (The greenhouse effect, influence of greenhouse gas emissions on global warming, carbon dioxide, particulates) Period 6
Environmental Impact -Global Warming (The greenhouse effect, influence of greenhouse gas emissions on global warming, carbon dioxide, particulates) Period 7

Friday, February 26, 2016

Design Lab Internal Assessment

Lab 15: DESIGN LAB  IB SL IA (Internal Assessment) due 3/18 late work will be reduced a grade... this must be assessed and returned to IB just after break.  Please turn in a printed lab write up AND submit online on google classroom.
 Pre-lab abstracts due ASAP (but by 2/25 at latest)

chemix app for diagramming apparatus...

Friday, January 22, 2016

ReDox Unit 4

This unit is on electrochemistry, reduction and oxidation reactions.  This is topic 9 in Chemistry: Course Companion.  This unit will be the last of the general IB chemistry topics.  At the end of the unit you will start your DESIGN LAB which is a major part of your semester assessment.
This unit should be about three weeks with the test on Tuesday 2/23

Lab 12: Oxidation-reduction reactions due 2/2
(staple oxidation numbers/redox rxns worksheet to lab 12) due 2/4
Lab 13: Conductimetric titration and gravimetric analysis of a precipitate due 2/17.
Lab 13: Write up directions    Spreadsheet     Example graph     Notes for calculations
Lab 14: Redox titration with potassium permanganate due 2/8
Lab 15: DESIGN LAB    Pre-lab abstracts due ASAP (but by 2/25 at latest) and Lab 15 due 3/18
LAB C: Build and test a conductivity probe using Arduino
Redox Study Packet 1 due 2/10
Redox Study Packet 2 due 2/19

Redox Reactions crash course
Redox topic 9 videos thornley
Bill Gates TED talk on global warming
Carbon cycle and global warming crash course
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Car Video
Toyota Fuel Cell Vehicle link
Solar Hydrogen Generator
Oxidation numbers
Batteries OSU chemistry
How to make a lemon battery
Nikola Tesla great minds
Really dangerous.  
Lab 13: Redox titration khan academy 
Electrolysis introduction
Make an electrolysis box nurd rage
Voltaic cell music video
Electrolysis music video
How to make your own AA battery nurd rage
Alessandro Volta short documentary
BBC Electricity documentary
TESLA master of lightening documentary